Hamid est avant tout un autodidacte. Il aborde principalement ses sujets à travers le portrait. Son travail est majoritairement sur l’identité, la fragilité et les apparences. Aujourd’hui, Hamid Blad poursuit sa quête « surréaliste » autour de ces identités en déplaçant une fois encore les frontières. Il utilise des procédés alternatifs, du collage ainsi que que des photos anonymes.

Hamid Blad vit et travaille à Paris et à Londres.


Hamid Blad is first of all, a self-made photographer.He began his artistic career in traditional film photography. The grains, the old processes or alternatives had immediately fascinated him. After years of digital photography, he felt the need to find less smooth images. For ten years now, he practices only « slow photography » but at a very high speed. This does not imply that the photographer remains inactive during the shooting. His personal work consists mainly of the encounter of the contemporary image with the timeless processes. This confrontation is an essential part of his vision.

Hamid Blad lives and works in Paris and London.

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